Sunday 25 December 2011

Christmas Dinner - in the worst possible taste.

I read that Daily Mail columnist Liz Jones has rescued turkeys and is feeding them for Christmas, rather than feeding on them.  Don't get me wrong I would probably prefer Ms Jones' turkeys to people.  I prefer my rabbit to any man.  But if we don't eat non-human animals where do we get our meat from?
Oh not the oven is empty
And we are meat eaters:
"Human ancestors who roamed the dry and open savannas of Africa about 2 million years ago routinely began to include meat in their diets to compensate for a serious decline in the quality of plant foods, according to a physical anthropologist at the University of California, Berkeley.  It was this new meat diet, full of densely-packed nutrients, that provided the catalyst for human evolution, particularly the growth of the brain, said Katharine Milton, an authority on primate diet." (UC Berkley)
Will our brains decline again if we do not have meat?
What can I find in the kitchen to feed my brain?
 There is an alternative our ancestors had to non-human animal meat.
"For some European cavemen, human meat wasn't a ritual delicacy or a food of last resort but an everyday meal, according to a new study of fossil bones found in Spain.  And, it seems, everyone in the area was doing it, making the discovery "the oldest example of cultural cannibalism known to date," the study says.  The 800,000-year-old butchered bones from the cave, called Gran Dolina, indicate cannibalism was rife among members of western Europe's first known human species, Homo antecessor." (National Geographic)
So if we don't want to eat non-human animals and we don't want to become stupid, we'll have to eat each other.  Ohhh ah don't go in the Kitchen this Christmas.
Cooked in her tights?  Make sure they don't melt.  Perhaps they keep the moisture in

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