As a sad cow with no boyfriend and no credit for shopping I've been surfing the net, and found an interesting survey from 2006 about women and heir heels. OK its from 2006, but I doubt much has changed. So I thought I'd share the information with you and tell you how I'd have answered the survey. I know that my male visitors have logged on for the joy of tights and pantyhose, so I'll make sure any pics include tights/pantyhose as well as heels.
Love those peep toes |
Want! |
Harper's Bizarre interviewed 1000 women and 1000 men (no, no not about the men's heel wearing habits, but how they felt about their partner's heels).
So here are the results and how I would have scored
I am:
- one of the 25% of women who would rather buy shoes than pay their bills. Yes this explains my credit status. And why I have to wear tights with my heels (no heating). But I believe in the Cinderella effect - heels can transform your mood better than any anti-depressant - I know I've been on a few.
- one of the 50% of women who own more than 30 pairs of shoes.
- When I had a partner he was one 39% of men who though the woman in his life had too many pairs of heels.
- When I had a partner he was one 82% of men who think that stilettos are the sexiest heels.
Run? Can't walk in mine. |
- one of the 79% of women of who have had sex wearing only my heels. Yes it did rip the sheets. But it was the only way to get Anna's boyfriend into bed. No am not sorry. Yes the law of karma is paying me back now.
- one of the 75% of women who own shoes that don't fit properly.
But I am
- one of 8% of women who own 100 or more pairs of shoes - but not for the want of trying
- one of the 10% of women who have spend more that £1000 on shoes in the last 12 months. Well not when you adjust for inflation from 2006.
- one of the 55% of women who had a partner carry her when her shoes hurt too much. Look I go out with b****** and have to carry my own shoes and walk in my stocking feet. Another reason of wearing tights with heels
Will he ask her to bed in those? (Nice print) |
- the partner of one the 46% men who asked their partner to wear heels in bed. He wasn't my partner, and I knew he had a heels fetish so I offered. But it was the heels that took control and turned me into a slutty sex kitten.
The survey also showed that 80% of women had considered plastic surgery to improve their feet. No! I might consider death under anaesthetic to get bigger tits, but, girls you'll find that if a guy likes feet, he likes all sorts of feet, and if he doesn't like feet its not worth the money anyway. I always find that a nice pair of tights improves the appearance of the foot in any case. Those long or stubby toes just won't be so prominent under the nylon.
I'll be your sex slave if you buy me these platforms |
Deal. I will totally buy you those platform pumps and those opaque tights.