Well, with the results almost in, it looks like the 1980s were the tights golden era.
I will analyse this a bit more in a later post. But for now some personal reminiscences. All pics are modern not 80s. But tights have really changed little.
I first started wearing tights in about 1981 when I was in the sixth form. (I was a late developer). My tights of choice were tan tights.
I got into tan tights, just as they were going out. The story of my life. Of course in those days tan tights had reinforced toes.
I am still a fan of reinforced toes in pantyhose for their sheer practically. Of course toes in those days were really reinforced. Today's reinforced toes are only semi-reinforced. (What an odd thing to become obsessed with pantyhose toes)
About the same time I acquired my first boyfriend. (Like I said I was a late developer). He had a thing about tights and this set the theme for my life. (Men who like women in tights). And is probably why I write this bizarre blog. (That and a desire to be liked, even if it is only by the pervs looking at the pictures I post).
I went to university. A brief but disastrous phase. I remember wearing the modern no-no of tights with sandals - but so did my friends.
My sandals were never this cool |
On the subject of shoes, I remember falling in love with a pair of peep toe shoes - worn with tights of course. This is probably where my shoe fetish started - not that you guys want to know that - you are only here for the hose.
After being thrown out of uni, I got a job and shared a flat with a girl who wore nothing but black tights
At this stage I was in those flash coloured tights that were popular at the time.
Perhaps that's why we never got on.
The 1980's I think, were also when patterned tights were big.
Don't be ashamed of your retro tights |
I was never into patterned tights, although I did have a nice black pair with hearts on.
Were summers better in the 80s too? |
And of course, the 1980s marked the rise of the now ubiquitous opaque tights. Opaques always seem too much like hard work to put on for me, but I am a bigger person (aka fat cow).
CDs also change in, in the 1980s |